GSCS Heralds demolishes the Sacramento Flames in Game 3

By Carl Bancoro

   The Heralds (Aspirants) held a blowout win against the Sacramento Flames from Blessed Sacramento Catholic School (BSCS) with the score 74-54 in their 3rd game last August 30, 2013.

   The Heralds made an early 8-point lead against the Flames in the 1st quarter with the help of Francis Flores and Miguel Jacinto scoring 4 points each making them dominate the quarter.

   In the 2nd quarter, the Heralds had a surprising burst of energy increasing their lead
from 8 to 31 points. They added a huge 28 points in their score while limiting the Flames only 2 points. Dan Lucanas and Tim Austria led the team by scoring 9 points each.

   The Heralds struggled during the 3rd quarter only managing to score 9 points while the Flames were able to make a comeback scoring a huge 28 points, trimming down the lead the Heralds  had against them from 31 points to 12 points.

   The Heralds redeemed themselves with Dan Lucanas and Tim Austria at the helm during the 4th quarter by scoring 25 points securing their win for the game.